API Documentation & Guides
The API documentation contains information about the JavaScript API doc of Nimbudocs Editor and also includes integration guides.
This documentation is available on the installed Nimbudocs Editor server and can also be downloaded from there.
Release 5.0.6986_Beta8 (released 2024-12-05)
- Added grammar checking engine. Can be toggled on/off using action, provides suggestions via context menu.
- Added Dutch spellcheck dictionary.
Bug Fixes
- #9227, #9235: Spellcheck marker are now updated correctly under specific circumstances.
The Nimbudocs Editor appliance is based on CentOS 7, which has reached end of life (EOL) on 2024-06-30. For this reason we also have announced the EOL/EOS of the Nimbudocs Editor appliance as well as the included Webmin module for Nimbudocs Editor on 2024-06-30.
No further updates or patches will be provided after this date. With this version, Nimbudocs Editor will no longer be provided as a virtual appliance.
The possible officially supported deployment options for Nimbudocs Editor 5 will be:
- Nimbudocs Editor Docker image from Docker Hub
- ZIP package with a pre-configured Jetty application server
Furthermore we also provide the required WAR and JAR files for deployment in other application servers (like e.g. Tomcat).
However this deployment is not officially supported and must be conducted at the discretion of the customer.
- Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported.
- Changed spell checker engine from Wintertree to LanguageTool.
- Removed management REST API method server/restart
- Removed legacy icon set from Nimbudocs Editor 2.4.
- Renamed -ro-nimbu-prefered-caret-side to -ro-nimbu-preferred-caret-side,
renamed -ro-nde-form-listener to -ro-nimbu-form-listener.
- Runtime JVM: Nimbudocs Editor now uses Jetty 12 and requires Java 17 or higher to run. Pre configured packages (Docker image) now bundle Java 21.
- Servlet Compatibility: Nimbudocs Editor is now only compatible with Jakarta Servlet 5.0, dropping support for all earlier Java EE Servlet specifications.
- Third party library version updates.
- Updated layout engine and built-in PDFreactor.
Additional Notes
Time Bomb
This version of the Nimbudocs Editor Beta will cease to function on 2025-05-31.
Release 5.0.6738_Beta7 (released 2024-04-16)
- #9199: Table header/footer rows are now highlighted by the handles.
- #9200: Adding/removing a row in a table with a footer (tfoot), will now add/remove a content (tbody) row instead of a footer row.
- Third party library version updates.
- Updated layout engine and built-in PDFreactor.
Additional Notes
Time Bomb
This version of the Nimbudocs Editor Beta will cease to function on 2024-07-31.
Release 5.0.6422_Beta6 (released 2024-02-27)
Bug Fixes
- #9165: The overlay is now correctly removed when restoring from disc hibernation with an opened modal dialog.
- Third party library version updates.
- Updated layout engine and built-in PDFreactor.
Additional Notes
Time Bomb
This version of the Nimbudocs Editor Beta will cease to function on 2024-05-31.
Release 5.0.6313_Beta5 (released 2024-01-16)
- #9137: Added a method to get a list of all users in the collaboration session.
- #9127: Added configuration option for the file name of the PDF download from the "Print" dialog.
Bug Fixes
- #9117: Generated content that is used to display semantic elements is now isolated and mirrored.
- #9118: Pressing enter twice in the last RTL list item now creates a new paragraph after the list.
- Third party library version updates.
- Updated layout engine and built-in PDFreactor.
Additional Notes
Time Bomb
This version of the Nimbudocs Editor Beta will cease to function on 2024-05-31.
Release 5.0.6235_Beta4 (released 2023-11-27)
- #9101: Custom fonts uploaded through Webmin now have a quoted font-family name.
Bug Fixes
- #9113: Selecting in RTL content no longer causes an unresponsive editor session/browser tab.
- #9116: Caret is no longer visually displayed on the next line when pressing backspace inside RTL section.
- #9119: Arabic characters in subsequent lines are now completely visible when previous line has a background-color.
- #9120: The "free color palette" pop-up is no longer covered by the color dialog when used in the header/footer editor.
Additional Notes
Time Bomb
This version of the Nimbudocs Editor Beta will cease to function on 2024-01-31.
Release 5.0.6176_Beta3 (released2023-10-23)
- #9092: BiDi user interface and actions can now be disabled by a configuration option (disableBiDiUI).
- Added new release artifact for easier deployment in third-party application servers.
This consists of a new Nimbudocs Editor WAR file including all required libraries.
Bug fixes
- #9072: Pasting a table (cell) from word no longer causes an invalid CSS rule.
- #9073: Table cell borders no longer have an unexpected grey color (caused by an invalid CSS rule).
- Third party library version updates.
- Updated layout engine and built-in PDFreactor.
Additional Notes
Time Bomb
This version of the Nimbudocs Editor Beta will cease to function on 2024-01-31.
Release 5.0.6125_Beta2 (released 2023-09-21)
- #9036: It is now possible to set/modify the text direction of list elements.
- #9040: It is now possible to set/modify the text direction inline
- #9041: The caret can indicate (toggled by the toggle-text-direction-view action), if the caret is inside an element which has set RTL as direction attribute.
- Third party library version updates.
- Updated layout engine and built-in PDFreactor.
Additional Notes
Time Bomb
This version of the Nimbudocs Editor Beta will cease to function on 2024-01-31.
Release 5.0.6023_Beta1 (released 2023-07-26)
- #9092: BiDi user interface and actions can now be disabled by a configuration option (disableBiDiUI).
- Added new release artifact for easier deployment in third-party application servers.
This consists of a new Nimbudocs Editor WAR file including all required libraries.
Bug fixes
- #9072: Pasting a table (cell) from word no longer causes an invalid CSS rule.
- #9073: Table cell borders no longer have an unexpected grey color (caused by an invalid CSS rule).
- Third party library version updates.
- Updated layout engine and built-in PDFreactor.
Additional Notes
Time Bomb
This version of the Nimbudocs Editor Beta will cease to function on 2024-01-31.
Release 5.0.6125_Beta2 (released 2023-09-21)
- #9036: It is now possible to set/modify the text direction of list elements.
- #9040: It is now possible to set/modify the text direction inline
- #9041: The caret can indicate (toggled by the toggle-text-direction-view action), if the caret is inside an element which has set RTL as direction attribute.
- Third party library version updates.
- Updated layout engine and built-in PDFreactor.
Additional Notes
Time Bomb
This version of the Nimbudocs Editor Beta will cease to function on 2024-01-31.
Release 5.0.6023_Beta1 (released 2023-07-26)
- #8942: It is now possible to disable copy & paste.
- #8961: Add functionality to set the document text direction in the language dialog.
- #8962: Added actions to set the paragraph level text direction. Also added the possibility to set the text direction for tables.
Bug fixes
- #8943: RTL/Bidi: Numbers containing hyphens/dashes are now displayed in the correct direction.
- #8945: RTL/Bidi: List markers now have the correct direction.
- #8946: When pasting a table containing span elements between cells, no unexpected table structure is inserted.
- #8949: RTL/Bidi: Content now has the correct direction in a list item with Bidi content.
- #8992: Added "text-decoration-skip-ink: none" to our default style sheet. This causes underlines and overlines to be drawn across the full length of the text content, including parts that cross over glyph descenders and ascenders.
- #8994: The text direction is now enforced on all parts of the document that have not explicitly set a direction.
- #8995: Text alignment of RTL content pasted from Word is no longer wrong and can now be changed.
- #8998: Extra characters are no longer inserted while pasting.
- #9006: Caret no longer moves to the start of the document in split table cells.
- Updated to Jetty 11.0.13
- Third party library version updates.
- Updated layout engine and built-in PDFreactor.
Additional Notes
Time Bomb
This version of the Nimbudocs Editor Beta will cease to function on 2023-10-31.
System Requirements
Browser Support
The following browsers are supported (using the latest version is recommended):
- Edge
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
The create() provides functionalities to react to non-supported browsers.
Please see the Quick Integration Guide in the JavaScript API doc for more information.
Please note that development previews of supported browsers may not
be able to run Nimbudocs Editor, even if the requirements check in
JavaScript reports otherwise.
Must-have Capabilities
The following features are must-have browser capabilities. Without them Nimbudocs Editor will not work
as intended.
* CORS is not required when using a reverse proxy as described in the JavaScript API doc.
Should-have Capabilities
The following features are should-have browser capabilities. Without them Nimbudocs Editor will still work in
general, but some of its functionality will not.
- CSS 3 2D Transforms (for zoom functionality)
- File
- Local Storage
- Fullscreen
Instance Minimum Hardware Requirements
- Instance with at least two CPU cores or similar.
- 6 GB RAM
In general, hardware requirements depend very much on the platform, the speed of the JVM implementation and
the complexity of the documents which are edited.
Nimbudocs Editor as Docker container
How to use the Nimbudocs Editor image
$ docker run --name nimbudocseditorbeta -d -p 8080:8080 nimbudocs-editor-beta
This will map the Nimbudocs Editor server running on port 8080 in the docker container to port 8080
of the host system. You can then integrate the service running in your container with your web application
by importing the Nimbudocs Editor library from the Nimbudocs Editor server running in the container:
<script src="http://mydockermachine:8080/nimbudocseditor.js" type="text/javascript">
For more information please see the Global Server Configuration chapter in the manual.
Nimbudocs Editor as Package
The archive release file contains this ReadMe and a pre-configured
Jetty Application Server with the Nimbudocs Editor application.
Server Installation
The provided Jetty Application Server needs to be added to a host server.
To start, restart or stop the server on Unix-based systems go to the [JETTY_BASE] folder and run:
[JETTY_HOME]/bin/ start
[JETTY_HOME]/bin/ restart
[JETTY_HOME]/bin/ stop
To start without the shell script, use start.jar:
[JETTY_HOME]/java -jar start.jar
System Requirements
Nimbudocs Editor provides a pre-configured Jetty Application Server. In addition
Java is required:
- Officially Recommended Java VM: OpenJDK 21.
- Minimum Java Versions Supported: OpenJDK 17
Download the integration code & resources from the Nimbudocs
Editor server and continue with the
Integration Code & Resources chapter.
Integration Code & Resources
The integration code & resources archive is available on the running Nimbudocs Editor server. It contains the following folders:
This folder contains the JavaScript API documentation.
This folder contains the samples, including custom actions,
localization and UI configuration.
The sample requires the URL to a Nimbudocs Editor server and will not
run out-of-the-box. The sample will also not run from a file URL.
Current Limitations
Accessible Resources
External resources (e.g. images, CSS, ...) of documents to be loaded must be available to the server.
The server must be able to reach their resolved URLs and download the data.
Mobile UI
Nimbudocs Editor currently provides no mobile user interface. It is intended to provide such an interface in the future.
It is currently not possible to set the locale file, it is only possible to add a locale extension.
Load Balancer
Using a load balancer and Collaboration is currently not supported.