RealObjects Nimbudocs Editor 5.0.6508_Beta7

Namespace: widgets


The widgets object used in the options.


The buttons displayed in the top right corner of the editor window. Accepts either an object consisting of the name of the button and a boolean value indicating whether this button should be displayed. Set to false to disable all buttons.
  • Boolean | Object
Name Type Description
maximize Boolean Whether the "maximize" button should be displayed in the editor window.
fullscreen Boolean Whether the "fullscreen" button should be displayed in the editor window.
Default Value:
  • {maximize: true, fullscreen: true}
An object which configures the cloud status widget.
  • Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
position String optional
"bottom-right" The position of the cloud status widget. Accepts values "top-right", "bottom-right", "bottom-left", "top-left" as well as "toolbar" to display it in the top-right of the tool bar.
Default Value:
  • {position: "bottom-right"}
The collaboration panel in the sidebar. Set to false to disable the collaboration panel.
  • Boolean
Default Value:
  • false
An object which configures the page count area. Set to false to disable the page count bar.
  • Object | Boolean
Name Type Argument Default Description
position String optional
"top-left" The position of the page count widget. Accepts values "top-right", "bottom-right", "bottom-left" and "top-left".
showCurrent Boolean optional
false Whether to display the current page (on which the caret is located).
showTotal Boolean optional
true Whether to display the total number of pages.
separator String optional
L_PAGE_COUNT_SEPARATOR The separator displayed between current and total. You can use a string or locale constant.
prefix String optional
L_PAGE_COUNT_PREFIX The prefix string to be displayed.
Default Value:
  • {showCurrent: true, showTotal: true, position: "bottom-left", separator: "L_PAGE_COUNT_SEPARATOR", prefix: "L_PAGE_COUNT_PREFIX"}
An object which configures the ruler. Set to false to disable the ruler.
  • Boolean | Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
unit String optional
"cm" The unit of the ruler. If nothing is specified, it uses the value of defaultLengthUnit. If that does not work, it uses "cm". Can be "cm", "mm", "pt", "pc" and "in".
guideLines Boolean optional
true Whether guide lines should be shown while changing a margin
passive Boolean optional
false Whether the interactivity of the ruler should be disabled. True to hide and disable the drag handles.
Default Value:
  • true
An object which configures the search bar. Set to false to disable the search bar.
  • Object | Boolean
Name Type Argument Default Description
position String optional
"top-left" The position of the search bar. Accepts values "top-right", "bottom-right", "bottom-left" and "top-left".
simple Boolean optional
false Whether to show a simple search bar or a comprehensive search and replace bar. Overrides components settings when set to true.
components Object optional
Configures which components will be available in the searchbar.
Name Type Argument Description
replace Boolean optional
Whether to display the replace field and button.
replaceAll Boolean optional
Whether to display the replace all button. Requires replace to be set to true.
caseSensitive Boolean optional
Whether the "Case Sensitive" check box will be displayed.
wholeWord Boolean optional
Whether the "Whole Words Only" check box will be displayed.
ignoreReadonly Boolean optional
Whether the "Ignore Read-Only" check box will be displayed. Requires replace to be set to true.
Default Value:
  • {position: "top-right", simple: false}
An object which configures the sidebar. Set to false to disable the sidebar.
  • Object | Boolean
Name Type Argument Default Description
alwaysOpen Boolean optional
true Whether the side bar will be open when the editor is initialized.
Default Value:
  • {alwaysOpen: true}
The snippet panel in the sidebar. Accepts either an object consisting of pairs of the name of the snippet and another object with the snippet data as value or an URL to a JSON of such an object. Dragging the snippet into the editor will insert the specified content at the target position. Set to false to disable the snippet panel.
  • String | Object | Boolean
Name Type Argument Description
content String The content of the snippet. This must be valid HTML code.
iconUrl String optional
An optional URL to an icon that will be displayed.
Default Value:
  • false
options.widgets.snippets = {
    "Hello World": {
        content: "<p>Hello World</p>",
        iconUrl: "icons/hello-world.png"
An object which configures the status message widget. Set to false to disable the status message widget.
  • Object | Boolean
Name Type Argument Default Description
position String optional
"bottom-left" The position of the status message widget.
Default Value:
  • {position: "bottom-left"}
An object which configures the zoom slider. Set to false to disable the zoom slider.
  • Object | Boolean
Name Type Argument Default Description
vertical Boolean optional
false Whether the zoom slider should be vertical.
position String optional
"bottom-right" The position of the zoom slider. Accepts values "top-right", "bottom-right", "bottom-left" and "top-left".
buttonSize String | Boolean optional
"quick" The size of the buttons. Accepts values "quick", "tiny", "small", "medium" and "large". Set this to false to disable the buttons.
Default Value:
  • {vertical: false, position: "bottom-right", buttonSize: "quick"}